How to $Hunt-Fi
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$HUNT is quite special, as it has its roots in an old blockchain called Steem. Steem was similar to a tipping system, as you needed some Steem to be able to tip somebody.
Since then $HUNT has been evolved and is now listed on all major Korean exchanges and important international exchanges like HTX.
Now, as we know $HUNT is fully minted and does not have any inflation, so the question is, how to make some use of your HUNT. Let's dive in into the HUNT-fi ecosystem.
DeFi with LP Pools on Uniswap. $HUNT is available on Ethereum (2.5M TVL) and Base(650K TVL). The major volume is still done on Ethereum and the current APR based on the last 7days is about 1.7%. If you consider the impermant loss risk it is not that much.
Strikes and Raffles is running an own Discord server for their Building community. The so called Hunt Building NFT here is also very important, as it will gain you daily BUILD points. You can use BUILD Points within the discord server for special service. One of the key functions is to join the discord server at least once a day a leave a message. You can earn a strike which will increase your BUILD points allowance per day. Your BUILD points are reset every single month, so it is wise to use them before they vanish. A special service is a weekly raffle where you can bet your BUILD points to get raffles. A full Building NFT is the weekly price and as I have seen the raffle now for over a year, even with a 0.3% chance you can win!
Leverage Warpcast If you have a Building NFT or a mini Building NFT you will not only gain BUILD points on the Discord server but also get a daily $hunt-tip allowance.
The important part, if you hold your $HUNT in Building NFT’s and choose to use the $hunt-tip economy, you can get an APY over 300% at the moment. Of course this will drop as soon as more Building and Mini Building NFT’s join it.